This language is used to tell what something or someone looks like or is like, in terms of behaviour or other characteristics.
The Language of Description makes use of complex noun groups - the noun plus the adjective that describe it and adverbs with the verb and adverbial phrases. The language of description can include technical language but may also include everyday language.
Examples include:
- determined man who overcame adversity
- a pair of old, leather sandals
- A spider infested room
- obvious deformity
- the man with the iron heart
- devastating earthquake
- soft fur
- maximum effectiveness
- long-term unemployment
- seasonal fluctuations
- a boring and repetitive meeting
- hollow tree
- bone fracture
- medical assessment
- ugly, green, gigantic monster
- confident smile
- captivating character
- chemical composition
- tough claws
- skilful author
- gold medal
- creative response
- dangerous and brutal villan
- lingering sense of doubt
- Comparative line graph
In all of these examples the noun has been enhanced to provide the audience (the reader) with greater detail to the noun or verb.